Problema en reproductor

• Jul 8, 2023 - 06:45

Inicié una partitura nueva con 2 instrumentos, voz de mujer y voz de hombre, comencé escribiento la parte del hombre y podría reproducirlo, incluso podía modificar el sonido, pero ahora no me aparece el instrumento "hombre" en el mezclador y simplemente no reproduce. La barra de reproducción no avanza, ni hay cuenta de tiempos ni nada. Hice otra partitura con un instrumento al azar, sax alto, y aquí si suena. Ya reistalé musescore y todo sigue igual.


Translation for this English-language forum:
Problem in Player
_I started a new score with 2 instruments, female voice and male voice, I started writing the male part and I could play it, I could even change the sound, but now the "male" instrument doesn't appear in the mixer and it just doesn't play. The playback bar doesn't advance, there's no beat count or anything. I made another score with a random instrument, alto sax, and it plays. I've already re-installed Musescore and everything is still the same.

Some hints are in the logs which you provided, for example in MuseScore_230707_165753.log:

| ERROR | 15660 | WasapiAudioClient | setStateAndNotify:
| ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerLibHandler | MuseSamplerLibHandler: Unable to open MuseSampler library, path: C:/Users/fcall/AppData/Local\MuseSampler\lib\MuseSamplerCoreLib.dll
| ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerResolver | checkLibrary: Incompatible MuseSampler library; ignoring
| ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerLibHandler | MuseSamplerLibHandler: Unable to open MuseSampler library, path: MuseSamplerCoreLib.dll
| ERROR | main_thread | PluginsConfiguration | updatePluginsConfiguration: [401] El archivo no existe
| ERROR | main_thread | VstModulesRepository | pluginModule: Unable to find vst plugin module, resourceId: Addictive Keys
| ERROR | main_thread | | operator : error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth" [ multiple errors ]
2023-07-07T16:57:59.465 | ERROR | 4896 | | operator : INFO chunk size mismatch

I don't understand the errors which refer to "operator error". Are you trying to create a Plugin?

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