Merge notes of two voices together

• Jul 8, 2023 - 17:26

In this screenshot, I would like to make the upper voice notes superimposed with the lower voice in order to avoid double notes. Is that possible with MuseScore 4?

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Screenshot 2023-07-08 182508.png 22.6 KB


SteveBlower has explained how to do it, but:
How will you be able to tell that one note is an eighth note with an augmentation dot, and the other is a 16th note without a dot? Or maybe the other way around?

In reply to by SteveBlower

Yes, the context can tell me that. I was just trying to explain why Musescore notates that way.
Also, I wonder how you can play a sixteenth note and a eighth note with a dot with the same pitch at the same time with one piano? Does such notation make sense for a piano at all? With two pianos yes ...
However: I can not play the piano, I'm just curious.

In reply to by HildeK

I (a very inexpert pianist) would interpret it as meaning hold the dotted notes or perhaps just emphasise them while playing the arpeggiated pattern so that they can be heard as a separate voice.

It could be notated omitting the first of each 3 x sixteenth group and having a rest instead but it would look a bit "fussy" and would not show that the syncopation of the dotted eighths is reflected in the accompanying arpeggios so well. Possibly more importantly it would be a less familiar visual pattern for most pianists.

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