One expression for each voice of a staff in Musescore 4

• Jul 9, 2023 - 14:36


I'm writing a piece for orchestra and at some point there's a divisi for the cellos section. I want one voice to be played pizzicato and another arco but I don't know how to do that. I'm in the latest version of musescore 4

Thanks for your time


"I'm in the latest version of musescore 4"

Oh dear, in MS4 you can't achieve that. In MS3 you could "borrow" the hidden S/A text from the Text palette, then control the arco and pizz. settings with a right-click > Stave Text Properties on the S/A text. On the attached score, see how the "hidden" S/A text has been renamed so that its title and properties are changed:
pizz arco = Vln 1 pizzicato, Vln 2 arco
arco pizz = Vln 1 arco, Vln 2 pizzicato

The attached example works in MS 3.6.2. For MS4, you'll probably have to wait for a far-distant future version. At MS 4.1 the special hidden texts S/A, T/L and T/B have been removed from the Text palette.

Attachment Size
Violins_divisi_MS3.mscz 5.08 KB

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