Drum brushes

• Jul 12, 2023 - 02:06

I can't find any information up to date about drum brushes... Is there a way to use them ? I can't find any tutorial about this...


Download the special "split" version of the basic soundfont from here - https://community.masteringmusescore.com/c/resources/ms-basic-individua…. Then select one of the "brush" kits in the mixer for your drumset. Then use see the percussion chapter of the Handbook to learn how to customize your drumset definition to take advantage of the relevant MIDI pitches. A web search on "general MIDI brush" should turn up some pitch numbers to experiment with. You can also try various other third party soundfonts.

Which is all a long way of saying, it's not something directly supported but you will need to do some experimentation within those guidelines.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc, thank you for your answer (and truly, all of your answers (You pop up on every questions I searched for))

I downloaded the MS Basic file that I extracted in Musescore 4's soundfont folder. In "drums" in the mixer, I selected "SoudFonts" and then "(128) Brush". I went into the Edit drumset and I named every number that wasn't named. I pressed "Apply" and then tested all the sounds. There was almost 30 sounds that made a sound (the rest was silent), but there wasn't any brushes in the lot...

I tried to select "(128 Brushes1)" or "(128) Brushes 2)", but the sounds stay the same. I know there's something I don't get, but I think the community shouldn't have to search that much for those features. I read that the developer's team are willing to add a jazz pack in the future : https://musehub.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/community/posts/9681015733405-Jazz…
The sooner the better... imagine... you could finally be able to use your time to compose some music instead of answering the 14 weekly questions about brushes sounds :p

In reply to by TommyTomG

Indeed, additional sounds will likely be coming.

But what you tried should have worked. As I recall, it's the sounds in the 27-31 range that do brush sounds. There isn't a long swish sound, but there is a tab and a slap at least. If you search the web you will likely find other soundfonts to try that might contain other sounds.

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