I need to find out how to turn on existing repeats within a DS, or within a nested repeat

• Jul 14, 2023 - 00:17

We use the playback of Musescore extensively to demonstrate how the music sounds to our musicians. Unfortunately, it does not playback repeats within a DS, it always skips to the 2nd ending. I could not find any reference to a switch that says "play all repeats on playback inside of DS". The playback also does not work if you "nest" repeats within repeats (an ugly way to write music). Seems the programmers could at least figure that one out for playback. It looks fine on print. I even tried a 3rd volta, ha that created an ugly jump.

As you can tell, I've tried many different combo's, but alas, they all send the music output to somewhere else in the music that is not where it is written to go. The logic for "playback with repeats" is kinda flawed. Unless I'm missing something, which I hope I am. Help! I've got an example. Thanks


This is still a problem, but I needed to move on, so I fond a quick fix, I removed the repeats within the section I was DS'ing into (I duplicated the repeat sections into multiple sections instead of repeats) and it solved my problem, but it's still an issue of Musescore. Thanks

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi Jo-Jo, thanks for your help. But, I modified my chart to not have a DS, and because of this I took out the repeats that were within where the DS was, and made one repeat section into two sections. So, I now just have one big section that I can repeat at the beginning of the song. I have looked at the repeat bar properties, and there are no "Play Repeats" options that appear for the repeat bars.

Now that I do not have a DS, could this be a function of the DS? Thanks

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