Date format on 4.1 scores

• Jul 15, 2023 - 13:32

In the old days (pre-4.1), I was able to enter the date in the Score Properties. The date would show in my footer by using the $D code in the Month-Day-Year format--which is standard where I live. Now the date shows in the Year-Month-Day format --which is considered by many where I live to be at least irritating if not outright obnoxious. Is there some way a code can be entered for the $D that has the format in MDY format and another $D code for the YMD format. I have over 3,000 scores that when opened in 4.1 now have a new date format. I have to go and manually enter the date in the Header/Footer section. This is not cool! Please tell me how this can be modified in my settings, and if it cannot be then please generate a patch for this posthaste!
Thank you


Discussed at great length on this Github issue:

And to present an alternative view, I quote from a post in that issue:
"The choice of the US format is the worst of all...
For me this issue is a showstopper (not the only one though) for updating my scores to 4.0, as I'm using Version $M on all my scores, and that US format is just confusing as hell to non-US users"

As a European I have to agree that the US Month-Day-Year date format is illogical and "confusing as hell"! ;-)

The way in which the date is now presented in MS 4.1 (yyyy-mm-dd) conforms to ISO 8061, and international standards are worth following:

In reply to by DanielR

An option for the Date codes to allow for various date formats is the best solution: $DMDY, $DDMY, $DYMD, $DYDM (and the associated $dMDY, $dDMY, $dYMD, etc...)

(ISO is great for some people who like international standards, though most people where I live have no idea what ISO is nor do they care nor even want to know--and may rebel against the idea if they knew it was an "international" thing. They still measure food in teaspoons and start the week on a Sunday. Just the way it is in the 3rd largest country on the planet. I guess it is just what a person gets used to. All my score files are coded YMD for sorting purposes, but I prefer to see MDY in the copyright line on the printed page. I would like that option.)

Month-Day-Year is the most obnoxious and confusing format ever.
Mu3 used the locale's format, Mu4.0 that bad one for everyone, Mu4.1 now uses the ISO format. Hopefully Mu4.2 will use the locale format again, a corresponding issue on GitHub exists

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