Why I Hate Musescore 4's Brand New Mixer

• Jul 16, 2023 - 01:49
  1. Because what if I want to make MIDI files? General MIDI instruments cannot be tuned.
  2. Unable to import MIDI because of this article: https://musescore.org/en/node/340011
  3. What's the use of a brand new sound, it just sounds good and messes up the general MIDI instruments.
  4. Because Muse Hub is installed, it will not be possible to close "Muse Hub" on the work administrator; this will consume a lot of power.
  5. I don't know if it is possible to export MIDI. I use Musescore for MIDI.
  6. Besides, version 3.6 can also use brand new voices? https://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/musescore/soundfont/Sonatina_Symphonic_Orche…


None of your 6 points have much to do with the mixer. But I'll bite.

  1. Who told you you can't export Midi? Of course you can.
  2. Of course you can import midi. But it is true that you don't have the same options as MU3.
  3. It may surprise you to learn that some of us think good sounds are more important than Midi.
    4.Scroll down to the bottom of the Hub and select "Close".
  4. Yes you can export Midi.
  5. SSO is not that great of a font. MU4 can use it too. But why?

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