Multible scores on a single page

• Jul 20, 2023 - 17:10

I am having trouble figuring out how to create multiple scores on a single page. Can anyone direct me?


It is possible, but you have to accept some limitations.

  • A section break can be used as a separator
  • In text frames the new title can be written. If composer and lyricist should also be included, you have to create this as a second title line or as an extra text frame.
  • A new key or time signature is possible in each section
  • In Format/Style/Score you can activate "Hide empty staves within systems", so that the scores can be written with different instruments.

I have created an example with 3.6.2.

Attachment Size
MultipleScoresPerPage.mscz 14.33 KB

"... multiple scores on a single page"

Do you mean the tabbed model used by MS3, where you can tab between several open scores?

In MS4, each score opens a new instance of MuseScore - so you can no longer have multiple scores open in the same window. There are technical playback reasons for this decision, but I find it quite inconvenient.

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