changing dynamics are F'd up now

• Jul 27, 2023 - 16:58

Like, come on people. It used to not do this, but if I change a range of notes' velocity, it gets screwed up and shit.

like if they all have different velocities, 10 sixteenths let's say, repeated notes, all different velocities. I select SHIFT - LEFT - Select let's say 3 notes, to 64, and then ALL of them change to 64 for some reason.

Like why?


It's a little hard to understand your question, there are some words in there that don't seem to clarify the meaning, but I'll try.

Dynamics are not velocity. The way to change dynamics is using the dynamics palette. If you also wish to add a velocity override on top of the actual dynamic, 64 is the mid-point of the 0-127 available for applying those overrides. 64 is thus the default - neither louder nor softer than the dynamic indicates. Higher numbers mean louder, lower numbers mean softer. If you select multiple notes with the same velocity override, that is what the Properties panel shows. If they have different velocity overrides, then the Properties panel just shows "-". If you make a change in the Properties panel with multiple notes selected, then of course that change applies to all selected notes.

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