Score save nowhere to found

• Jul 31, 2023 - 01:26

Hello all, I was working on an online score on my account when the internet went out but I still kept working on the score. I finished what I was doing for the day so I "saved" the score and thought all was good. Shortly after, my internet came back so I opened the score and realized that it the score had been "reset" to what it was when I had initially opened it before I started working on it. I tried to "open recent" (which had worked in showing what i had done when I tried to open the score still offline) and it brought up the online score which had none of my revisions.

There was a message saying something along the the lines of a separate file for the score on my computer but I can't find it anywhere. I worked for 3 hours and now I can't remember what I did. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


OK, I'm a bit lost here. You say you were working on an online score on your account. Where you on or were you using the MuseScore notation software? It doesn't care if you are online or not. How did you save the score? Do you automatically save to the cloud? Personally I don't trust the cloud. But that's me. There is a backup folder in your scores folder. But it is a hidden folder. You'll need to lookon line to find how to view hidden folders on your OS.

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