Muscore 4 crashed and all my progress is gone. Any fix please?

• Aug 2, 2023 - 16:05

Hello guys this is my first time posting here.
So I was just using muscore for my composition on Mac OX 13 Ventura. All of a sudden muscore crashed and I couldn't find my composition anymore!

Here's the background:
1. I did not activate any autosave function manually
2. I did not save a copy myself
3. I tried finding an autosave folder on mac but the Finder did not show any result

Is there still any possibility I can retrieve my file? Thanks so much guys that would help a lot as I could get back all the progress!


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks man! I didn't deactivate it, but where is the backup?

So I checked on my mac

Muscore -> Preference -> I actually activated muscore autosave (every 3 mins)

Then, I went to mac Library -> Application Support -> Muscore 4 -> But now I still can't find my backup file!

I would really, really appreciate it if you could tell me the location of the backup file! Thanks so much!

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