Curious about Musescore's website playback quality.

• Aug 7, 2023 - 20:38

Hi, I recently uploaded an orchestral piece by Sibelius that I scored using MS4.1. It sounds terrific on my computer: warm, nuanced, smooth, lots of dynamic range and audio quality. I'm very happy with the results. However, it sounds dreadful on playback from the website: flat, chunky, thin, bland, without the instrument balancing or dynamics I set in the original.
So my questions are:
1) Which audio engine does the website use? 3.6.2 or 4.1?
2) How do I ensure others hear the same sonic quality I try to post?
And a big thanks to all who put in so much time and effort crafting this wonderful software, and helping users, like me, get the best results.


musescore.ocm should simply use the audio directly from MuseScore - that's why it stops to export it when you hit the "publish" button from within MuseScore.

If on the other hand you try to uploading using a web browser, then it obviously can't access your MuseScore audio directly, so something generic is created.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc, thanks, this is very interesting. So if I understand what's happening correctly: by uploading the score's file to using my phone, and not directly via the computer I created the score on (which has no internet connection), the MS 4.1 effects and better soundfonts I used in creating and editing the score, are essentially lost in translation? Causing it to revert to more basic instrument sound fonts (like those with MS 3.6.2?), and loose any special effects, such as EQ?
If this is the case, then all the care and attention I put into creating the score in the first place is not reflected in the playback others will hear listening from Correct?

In reply to by Oceanogra4

Correct on all counts, with one small clarification - the sound would presumably be generated by MuseScore 4 running on's server, and it would therefore be using the MS Basic soundfont. Which is basically identical to the 3.6.2 soundfont, but maybe some changes here and there.

If the computer has any wifi capability, try setting up a hot spot on your phone so the computer can access it. Or if nothing built-in, an external wifi adapter.

In reply to by Oceanogra4

Hi, Marc, just following up on this. Thought you'd like to know that I tried your suggestion regarding uploading and - wow! - what a difference! The improvement is amazing. The audio is gorgeous, great dynamic range, smooth strings, snappy pizz., great horns, woodwinds, etc. Thanks again for your excellent advice!

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