Musescore doesn't allow inserting note lengths like words on a page
I have a MIDI device and I type in notes by playing a melody. However, the note length is not correct yet as I'm only selecting one note length (quarter note). Now I go over every note a second time by pressing the Arrow Key and adjusting the correct length by pressing 1-7.
Problem: This overwrites the notes when creating a note longer than what it was before (half note, whole note, quarter + eighth), or leaves rests when creating shorter notes.
Is there a mode that I can use where it "shifts" the notes by the amount of duration added or removed to the note?
Well, you can enter 'insert mode' but that make. the measure too long. Best to just overwrite with the proper notes.
So a one word answer is 'no'.
You might try the alternative note input methods:…
I like to start with “rhythm only “ first, using the number pad, then going back over it with the keyboard to add the pitches. For me it is the fastest way of inputting a melody. (I break it into chunks of about 12 - 16 bars, otherwise I can get a bit lost.)