Create a mandolin tab score in a plugin - help please

• Aug 23, 2023 - 14:56

I haven't been able to hit on the correct syntax to correct a mandolin TAB score in a .qml plugin.
I'm using MS 3. The score creation line in the plugin is :-

var score = newScore("Test-Score", "mandolin(tablature)", 32);

It is undoubtedly creating a treble clef unnamed instrument score of 32 bars.
Can someone please let me know the syntax for TAB.


var score = newScore("Test-Score", "mandolin-tablature", 32);

for info missing in the api doc, pls try search the src (the searchable ms3 src archive
click thru some results of the search "newScore"…
to see the 2nd parameter uses InstrumentId, that's < Instrument id= ... > inside the C:\Program Files\MuseScore 3\instruments\instruments.xml


it seems there's a problem with newScore TAB creation, one workaround is to read a prepared template score, see

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