Best Transposition Tool required

• Aug 24, 2023 - 01:31

I have MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.1.1-232071203, revision: e4d1ddf
In the Transposition tool window, it would be great :
1. to have a box where you can enter a number N to add N octaves to the specified interval
2. that all the last applied settings remain the same the next time this window popup so you just have to click OK to do again the same transposition on another part of the score.

The transposition in Finale for example si far more clear and convenient, this can be an example to follow.
Thank you.


In reply to by sammik

Thank you for your tip Sammik but this was just an example.
For example, yesterday I had to change some harp chords a diatonic third above in different bars, not convenient to select all chords at once as if you miss a note while holding Ctrl you lost all the selection, so the only way is to select chords one by one holding Shift, as holding Shift and Ctrl at the same time doesn't work.

=> THIS WOULD ALSO BE A NICE IMPROVEMENT to be able to select parts with Shift and add other Shift selections by holding Ctrl at the same time.

So selecting one chord by one chord I needed to go each time to the transpose window (as it's diatonic, I can not just use the up and down arrows of the keyboard) and each time reselect Diatonic transposition and Third.

=> this was really boring and IT WOULD BE SO CONVENIENT IF all settings windows could display the last settings used when you recall them. Moreover I think this is a very easy thing to code. :-)

If any developer can consider this request, it would be great. :-)
Thank you

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