Notation to Tab in Dropped D tuning.

• Aug 25, 2023 - 19:25

Musescore 3.2.3 on Linux Mint. I have a guitar score notated and when I copy this into a Tab staff I cannot edit the Bass string. The guitar is tuned to dropped D tuning and I have the notation and tab displaying correctly except for the low (6th) D string. The open string shows fine but notes that are fretted appear on the top E string in brackets. Can anyone help? It is in Bar 3.

Attachment Size
The Recruited Collier Example.mscz 10.82 KB


In reply to by cadiz1

With the box checked for Open (on the 6th string) MuseScore will only show "0" for open on that the string, because non-fretable lute strings can only be open. So it is not possible to show any fret numbers on the 6th string until the Open option is unchecked.

That's clear, but in the submitted score I'm curious why MuseScore moves the 5th fret mark from the 6th string to the 1st. (We see the intended 3 on the first string in red brackets when the measure is not selected. With the measure selected we see the 5 in a red rectangle.)

Seems like an odd way to express a conflict.


In reply to by scorster

"I'm curious why MuseScore moves the 5th fret mark from the 6th string to the 1st."
Only the person who wrote the code (@mgavioli) 8 years ago... could explain it to you. And since he hasn't been on the MuseScore boat for very long, I'm afraid you won't get an answer. The most important thing would be to reduce the visibility of this feature (by moving it to a less exposed location) or simply remove it.
Maybe one day...

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