• Aug 27, 2023 - 00:32

I was making something I was quite proud of on Musescore 4, and when i tried to make a clarinet play a 32nd note, BAM! Crashed. I saved it online but when I open the app back up, it wouldn't and say "This score is invalid." I've read other forums but they don't work. help?


MuseScore files are save by default as zip files and given the extension .MSCZ.
Copy the score to a new name and give it the extension .ZIP
Use a ZIP program (Google this if you don't know what that is) to unZip it and find the .MSCX file
Try opening the .MSCX file in MuseScore

Still no luck?
Open the .MSCZ and .MSCX files using a "hex editor" program (again, google it if you don't know)
If the .MSCX file is full of zeros (00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00) then you are out of luck. A valid .MSCZ file should start with "PK.... or 50 4B... in Hex and have the string "META-INF/container.xmlPK..." near the end of the file. Some corrupt files have the ending missing because they haven't saved fully.

Tried all the above?
Post again and include the score as an attachment.

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