Alternate notation

• Aug 30, 2023 - 06:14

There are 7 letters in the musical alphabet. Four lines and 3 spaces can contain those letters. The treble clef lines are E G B D F and the spaces F A C E. Instead of 5 lines for treble clef just use 4 lines. You get EGBD notation. Now stack four of these 4 line clefs on top of each other. Middle C will be the 3rd space in the 2nd stacked clef (from the bottom). A 1/2 space is needed between the D of the lower EGBD clef and the E of the next higher EGBD clef...because D and E are a 2nd apart (they don't stack like 3rds. All notes in the 4 stacked clefs keep their position...F is ALWAYS the the 1st space in each new stacked clef and G will ALWAYS be the line above that F.

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Can this clef design be set up in Musescore? I also need the ability for the left hand to be highlighted in a color and notes stems used in place of letters if desired. The columns could also be removed for more difficult pieces. If Musescore cannot do this...does anyone know some software that can? Presently, I just use Libra writer to set up the column and rows...I need a proper music program with options to make MANY alterations.

In reply to by sammik

Thanks for the reply. The note heads could be used but the staff layout would be even more confusing than standard notation. The idea behind my method is that there are only 7 letters in the musical alphabet and each note keeps it's position...F is always the 1st space in each stacked clef. G is always the line above that space in each of the 4 stacked clefs. I also need the 1/2 space between the top D line (4th line of each clef) and the E line (1st line of each new clef). D and E are an interval of a 2nd they overlap.
Looks like Musescore doesn't have all the options I need.
Here's the 1st page of Chopin op 10 no 1 to show the format I need.

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img018.pdf 2.32 MB

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