Unable to save due to Corrupted File

• Sep 1, 2023 - 05:34

Hi Musescore!

So, the problem I have right now is that I got a new laptop and Got Muse score 4.1.1 and got this score from an old laptop I was using for the year. It says I can't save because of the corruptions that it says below. The Score Is fine besides the Title being on a page itself Which may be causing the problem, but I have no Idea. Another thing I have found around ending this conversation is that the file won't load up on the website itself.

Heres the link for it:

Incomplete measure: Part score: Piccolo, measure 64, staff 1. Found: 14/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Piccolo, measure 66, staff 1. Found: 17/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Piccolo, measure 67, staff 1. Found: 21/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Piccolo, measure 68, staff 1. Found: 27/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Piccolo, measure 69, staff 1. Found: 18/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Piccolo, measure 70, staff 1. Found: 18/16. Expected: 4/4.

Please and thank you for your Cooperation!
Javier M. Marquez


The link says: "Page not found".
Don't you have a local copy to attach the corrupted file?
If the file is a PDF import please attach the PDF too.

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