Mute Automation ?

• Sep 4, 2023 - 08:39


I just want to know of it's possible to mute maybe 8 measures in my score with automation as in Reaper. Because I'm writing a piece for orchestra and I want to try easily some differents orchestrations. Please, if your answer is to click on the Mixer and mute the track, it's no my talking. I'm looking for automation and in the very best way a mute button to mute a selection !!!

Thank for All

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There is no automation as in a DAW.
But you have two possibilities:

  • Select the notes (as done in your picture) and uncheck the play hook in the notes properties. Then they are turned off.
  • Select the notes and add a velocity offset, e.g. -50 to make them quiter.

In reply to by FloGou

"do you know if it's possible to create our own button with the action we want"

  1. if the action you want is listed in Edit>Preferences>Shortcuts you can assign it to a key on your keyboard.
  2. If the action is doable manually, you can write a plugin to do it automatically and probably get it to do that by pressing a button (I don't write shortcuts, just use them occasionally - how the do what they do is a mystery!) This plug in may do what you are asking about - I've never used it.

In reply to by SteveBlower

@SteveBlower :
1. The action I want is not in the Edit>Preferences>Shortcuts
2. I've tried the plugin you're talking about but unfortunatly it isn't supported by MS4 only MS3. And the explanations to use it are very light !
Thanks for your help

I have no idea what you mean by "automation". But I assume that in Reaper you select the measures and hit a Mute button.
The closest MU4 would have would be in the first answer.
If you have the "Properties" tab open already, it's a little faster. Select the measures and uncheck "Play". Same number of steps. And only one more if you have to open the Properties tab. Don't forget that MU4 is not a DAW and not primarily and audio program the same way a DAW is.

In reply to by bobjp

> I have no idea what you mean by "automation".
In DAW software, subtracks can be activated in parallel with an audio track. They can be used for various section-wise modifications of the track such as volume control, FX contribution, balance settings and others and also for ON and OFF. That is called 'track automation'.
However, Musescore is primarily intended for score notation, and the volume modifiers commonly used in sheet music are the dynamics labels or text cues such as 'tacet'.

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