Musescore 4 - Corrupted file. Can't decompress .mscz file

• Sep 5, 2023 - 07:05

I have a .mscz file that I cannot open due to "Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0". I found the backup file, which also cannot be opened for the same reason. It's strange because the backup is from a date when I could open it.

I found several guides that said to use 7zip or something similar to decompress and change it into .mscx but I can't even open it using 7zip. It tells me it can't open it as an archive.

Is there any other way? Appreciate any help I can get!

PS. I can't even upload it here...


Files which cannot be opened by 7zip or similar are damaged beyond repair. Sometimes they contain only zeros, their file length is zero or the zip structure is too damaged. Open the file with a simple text editor to check this.

Try to find a backup copy in one of the following folders (Windows):

  • C:\Users\{YourUserAccount}\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore4
  • C:\Users\{YourUserAccount}\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore4\cloud_scores
  • C:\Users\{YourUserAccount}\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore4\cloud_scores.mscbackup
  • C:\Users\{YourUserAccount}\Documents\MuseScore4\Scores
  • C:\Users\{YourUserAccount}\Documents\MuseScore4\Scores.mscbackup
  • C:\Users\{YourUserAccount}\Documents\MuseScore4\Cloud Scores

In "AppData" (hidden folder) the files have cryptic names so orientate yourself by the date of saving.
For the backup files you have to rename the extension: Delete the tilde or comma at the end.

An upload of MuseScore files should work, what is the problem? The forum accepts only some file types but mscz, mscx, zip, png and some others should not be a problem.

In reply to by HildeK

Thank you for the response!

You are correct, opening it with a text editor shows an empty file.

When I try to open the back-up file (after removing the dot and the tilde), it shows the same error message. I could open the file this morning (5th sep), and the back-up is from yesterday so I don't understand why.

I seem to be able to upload the file now, I don't know why it didn't work earlier.

Attachment Size
Corrupted_file.mscz 30.31 KB
Corrupted_file_backup.mscz 30.28 KB

In reply to by hedstrompa

Unfortunately both files contain nothing but about 30kByte of zeros. You can delete them, they are not recoverable. Unfortunately, I don't know how the error happens either. But there are always reports of similar cases.
Try to find a copy in AppData (cryptic names!), otherwise your work is unfortunately lost. Sorry for the bad news.

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