Moving between pieces in a score.

• Sep 9, 2023 - 02:43

Hi. Hopefully this is in the right forum.

I'm using MuseScore 4 under Windows with a screen reader, NVDA.

Is there a simple way, using the keyboard, to move through multiple pieces in a score? At the moment, I'm using this score.

The first piece is "Fantasie des Gruse". The second piece, Fantasie Deux, starts at measure 93. Ideally what I'd like to do is chop the file apart and save each piece individually, if I can figure out how to do it. But I might not have to, if there's a way to move through pieces. I assume people who can see just scan the score for the start of a new piece, but obviously that won't work for me.

These are my initial thoughts, if anybody has any ideas on dealing with a multi-piece score via keyboard, I'd love to hear them, obviously I'm going to have to jump to specific measures in pieces while I'm learning, loop measures, things like that. I'll learn some of that, e.g. looping, from the handbook I assume, but I'd really appreciate any tips, since there seem to be quite a lot of multi-piece scores like this out there.


In reply to by bobjp

Sorry, in case I wasn't clear, this is in MuseScore yes. I've downloaded it already. I'm trying to figure out how to move within the score without just hitting ctrl-right to move measure by measure and listening to the beginning of each new measure until I hit the next piece's tittle, which is what I did to find it when I posted about the second fantasie starting at measure 93.

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