Appending a frame in the middle of a score?

• Sep 22, 2023 - 23:40

I'm writing a collection of Hebrew songs. Some of them only take up half a page and I'd like to put the translation at the bottom of the page. (The English words don't always fit the melody). It seems the only two options are to insert a frame, which goes above the last line of music or append a frame which will put it at the very end of the score on the last page.

Is there any way to write text in an empty space in the bottom half of a page in the middle of the score?


You wrote:
I'd like to put the translation at the bottom of the page.

Insert a vertical frame into the last system of a page, click on the inserted vertical frame to select it, then click on the 'Page break' in the Layout palette.
This will make the frame the last element on the page - so it shows at the bottom. Add your translation into the frame.

Just to clarify the terminology, you can only "append" something at the end of the score. If you want it in the middle of the score you need to insert it.

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