Playback "fast forward" and "rewind" with arrow keys doesn't work correctly

• Oct 2, 2023 - 16:40

In MuseScore 3, while playing a score, pressing the left and right arrow keys would conveniently "speed up" or "rewind" the playback at the current play point, which was beneficial for reviewing a score or learning a piece.

In MuseScore 4, it moves the playhead from wherever I last pressed an arrow key (or from wherever play began).

After listening part-way through a piece, if I hear what sounds like a transcription error, I can no longer just back up a little bit to check. Pressing the left arrow key rewinds to some far point earlier in the score, so context is lost.


This is really annoying me too! I press the left / right arrow key and instead of shifting the playback position it either moves the whole page to some random location or selects elements in the note bar. When the score is playing, the left and right arrow keys should only affect the playback position, just like it did in musescore 3. I'm on a windows machine using the latest version of musescore 4.

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