Cursed playback sound with specific headphone

• Oct 7, 2023 - 21:54

The problem I had is when I play any notes on Muse score 4 with a specific headphone get really cursed with glitchy noises and wrong pitch, I turn off any weird surround sound option or audio enhancement but it is still the same.
The headphones that went wrong were the Roccat Elo 7.1 USB, I suspect because it is USB and I know it is not an ideal headphone for music but I play games too.

the audio below starts with normal audio with a built-in speaker, and the second part is the cursed audio.

Thankyou <3

Attachment Size
etude-2023-10-07-21-11-04.ogg 95.35 KB


my apologies for the lack of information I provided, I've checked the FAQ and some past threads, I detached my microphone but it doesn't seem to resolve.

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