Unexpected/inconsistant behaviour double / halve selected duration Musescore 4.1.1-232071203

• Oct 8, 2023 - 10:45

I would like to report some apparent bugs and/or inconsistencies in the programming of the key commands:
Double selected duration - W
Halve selected duration - Q
Double selected duration (include dotted values) - Shift-W
Halve selected duration (include dotted values) - Shift-Q

Please note I am using a French azerty keyboard and I suspect the q shortcut may be different on an qwerty keyboard. I'm running OS: macOS 13.6, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.1.1-232071203, revision: e4d1ddf

Bug 1:
Steps to reproduce :
Select a note and press q
expected behaviour: note halves in duration (as per keyboard shortcuts menu)
actual behaviour: selection moves to first note in current bar/measure entry.
Please note that pressing w doubles the duration as expected - shift-w and shift-q also work as expected. Please note also that this also happens in note entry mode (default step time)

Bug/inconsistent behaviour 2:
Use note entry mode (default step time)
Enter a note and press w
Expected / desired behaviour: the duration of the previously entered note doubles.
Actual behaviour : the duration of the next note doubles (the note the user has not entered yet - I hope this is clear)
Please note that the commands shift-w and shift-q work as expected / desired.

Thoughts anyone?


Indeed, different keyboards work differently, and it's possible yours sends different keycodes than standard. Go to Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts and try redefining that command. Even just re-etnering Q might work.

The second part of what you describe isn't a bug at all. Q & W work just like the other note input commands (duration, accidentals, voice, etc). In normal mode, they affect the selection, and in note input mode, they set the state for the next note to be entered.

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