width of measures

• Oct 9, 2023 - 08:07

I have a score with some 2/4 measures on one stave and 3/4 measures on the next stave (both are within one system).

How can I stretch, say, two of the 3/4 measures so they fit across three of the 2/4 measures? (Or, indeed do the opposite - compress the three 2/4 measures so they fit across the two 3/4 measures?)


In reply to by SteveBlower

The problem when following this instruction ...
"You can also set this value for a single measure by right-clicking it, selecting Measure properties, and setting Layout stretch in the resulting dialog."
... is that, when I select a single measure in a staff, then do the right click and go into Measure Properties, all corresponding measures in the system are then selected automatically. Then I can't adjust the width of the single measure I had selected. The adjustments affect all the (automatically) selected measures

In reply to by Subtlevox

"when I select a single measure in a staff, then do the right click and go into Measure Properties, all corresponding measures in the system are then selected automatically"

It matters how you select your measure.
See the Handbook: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/selecting-elements

In the example below I selected a single measure (see the blue rectangle), and the Layout Stretch was applied only to the selected measure:

In reply to by Jm6stringer

"Did you check the bar properties of the 2 measures below your single measure to confirm?"

Honest answer: no, I didn't. I was concentrating on making the OP select only one single bar.

Fortunately MuseScore is quite clever about handling this. If you select one bar on a single stave of the system, the moment you choose Bar Properties the selection rectangle for that single bar is automatically extended vertically to include that bar on all staves of the system. Which is how it should work!

In reply to by AndreasKågedal

Nope - that doesn't work. If I join measures in one stave, the corresponding measures in the other staves are also joined. I still can't independently stretch or reduce measures on one stave without the corresponding measures on the other staves doing the same.

Is there a way of adding an independent staff to a score, such that the added staff can be manipulated completely independently of the others in the score (e.g. so I can stretch a measure in the added independent staff, without the corresponding measures in the other staves stretching also)?

In reply to by rothers

Ah, yes. So the basic trick is to not join measures, as I proposed above, but to just hide to regular barlines, and then add the "mid-measure" barlines in then new places.

The only issue that might arise, is that the systems are still broken at the real but hidden bar lines. But this is hopefully manageable.

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