How can I scroll a top palette

• Oct 10, 2023 - 14:08

I can scroll a left palette but how can I scroll a top palette?


Please can you explain in more detail what you are trying to do. I think I understand what you mean by "left palette" but "top palette" has me stumped.

If, like me, your palettes often open differently than when I save them without being wide enough, you have to hover over the right hand side of the palette column until the cursor changes and then click/drag it to the right.

To scroll a top palette, use your mouse wheel, try keyboard shortcuts, check for touchpad gestures, or use scroll bars if available. Customization options and third-party tools can also help. If you are a student, you know how hard it can be to stay on top of your grades. There are always deadlines looming, and it’s hard to keep track of all the work that needs to be done. That’s why essay writing services have become such an important part of your college experience. I recently came across an article about Top 4 Essay Writing Services and you can read more about it, and I’m glad I did because essay writing services have completely changed my life. These services have made a huge impact on my college experience. They have given me a new sense of self-confidence and peace of mind. If you’re a student who’s having trouble keeping up with your academic workload, or if you need help with a tough assignment, hiring an Essay Writer is a great option.

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