File cannot be opened as an archieve after crashed laptop

• Oct 21, 2023 - 16:28

A laptop crashed when the file was opened.
Pleease help me this thing for school project.
When i try open the file musescore shows: "Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0".
The file cannot be opened like an archieve now.
1) My laptop has crashed before a problem
2) There also was an antivirus safety check

Attachment Size
ProjectTango.mscz 32.07 KB


mscz files are zipped files. 7-zip cannot open your file and it does not even have the correct file header signature for the zip format. It should be "PK" but I found "CT" and I know no file format which uses "CT" as signature. (
So MuseScore has no chance to open it either.
Look in the hidden folder ".mscbackup" to see if you can still find a backup file.

In reply to by tiar31415

Yes, similar - looks a bit different - more like a memory dump.

Try to find your file in one of this locations:

The files in AppData have cryptic names, so open the last files and see if any of them fit.

Important advice for the future: make a backup regularly!

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