Setting to switch between "Immediate playback" and "Buffered playback".

• Oct 24, 2023 - 17:05

If I play back my file, Musescore starts the playback immediately, causing a slight audio cut-off at the beginning. This was not that annoying till now, but I am working on a song right now, and I noticed how annoying this feature has become. Even though I am using a very good gaming laptop, about 0.5 seconds of the beginning of the audio is always cut out. I am not hating this feature - I actually quite like it - but sometimes it is just not the right thing. That is why I am suggesting a new setting that allows the user to switch between two modes. The first mode plays the audio immediately without buffering and cuts out the audio from the beginning (just like it is now). The second mode should function like this: on playback, it should wait those "0.5 seconds" until enough audio data has been loaded and only then start playing the audio. That way, the user just has to wait a couple of moments, but the beginning is not cut off. Thank you for considering my suggestion.


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