MuseScore 4: Applying tremolo (subdivisions) on 'pizzicato' (plucked) notes makes them play as 'arco' (bowed)

• Oct 25, 2023 - 04:46

To replicate:

1) Create sequence of long notes using any bowed string instrument (violin, viola, cello, double bass). Listen to the sequence to hear the 'normal' bowed sound.

2) Apply text 'pizz.' to change sound to 'pizzicato' plucked strings. Listen to verify the sound change.

3) Apply any tremolo to the long notes. The notes are played with subdivisions but have reverted to 'bowed' sound.

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later
Arch.: x86_64
MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.1.1-232071203
revision: e4d1ddf


In reply to by bobjp

TL;DR: precise subdivisions played pizzicato.

"Tremolo" with no other context (i.e. freely, without precise subdivision) is usually associated with the bow, yes, and it is commonly used on non-bowed instruments too e.g. drum rolls would be marked tremolo.

However, the markings in the 'Tremolos' section of Musescore is generally used as a 'subdivider' to make music more readable e.g. instead of filling several bars with repeated 8th notes, I could just write a few half notes and mark them as 8th-note-tremolo. This can be played plucked or bowed, so the sound should not change from what I choose.

This works as intended in MuseScore 3, to be clear. If I mark a tremolo passage 'pizzicato' it plays pizzicato in MS3, but in MS4 the sound changes to 'arco' even when it shouldn't.



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