Triplet Issue

• Oct 25, 2023 - 06:01

Hi! I'm a newbie and have a question in handling triplet. In the second measure of the attached score, the quarter rest is supposed to be an eighth rest, otherwise it won't add up to four beats. However, Musescore does not seem to allow me to enter an eighth rest. Can someone explain why? Thanks

Attachment Size
question.mscz 16.65 KB


In MuseScore 3.6.2 this works, very likely also in MuS 4:

  • select the quarter rest
  • press '4', you will get two eight rests
  • select one of them and press Ctrl+Del

This measure already has more than four quarter beats, it has length 9/8. Open the measure properties or look at the gray '+' sign at the end of this measure, you can see it from that.
The key combination Ctrl+Del shortens the measure back to 4/4.

It is not a triplet issue.

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