Option to Have Selected Note be in the Same Position as the Cursor When Ending Note Input

• Oct 25, 2023 - 08:38

I'm not sure of the best way to describe this request, but here's the issue I'm encountering:

I want to be able to input notes with my midi keyboard while I have another window open (i.e. transcribing music from a video). I have mapped a button on my keyboard to enable note input mode, along with a few other important actions.

The issue begins when I end note input (i.e. to sound out the next section). When I return to note input, the last note inputted is selected rather than the space after it, where I would like my next note to go, so when I input the next phrase, it cuts off the end of the previous phrase and offsets everything I write. I have found some workarounds, but they are annoying to do. These include either placing one extra "sacrificial" note at the end of my phrases when I'm done inputting notes, or switching back to MuseScore and pressing right to select the next note.

The solution I picture would be to have a setting that, when enabled, selects the note/rest that the cursor is on when note input is disabled.

Here is a timeline of how this would go with the proposed setting enabled:
-Enter first phrase, cursor ends one space after the last inputted note
-Disable note input mode
-The note/rest the cursor was on is now selected
-Enable note input mode
-The cursor is on the selected note/rest, where the next phrase should begin
-Enter second phrase without unwanted offset or deletion of final note.


Perhaps enter the first phrase.
Hit the right arrow key on the computer keyboard. Cursor is one note past last note.
Exit note input.
Enter note input.
Cursor should be one note past the end of the first phrase.

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