Unable to "Publish to Musescore.com..."

• Oct 26, 2023 - 17:00
  1. I want to update both the score and the AUDIO on this score: https://musescore.com/user/45359/scores/12398284
  2. I've updated the "Source" property of my local file for this score to be https://musescore.com/user/45359/scores/12398284 to allow me to update the score when I select "Publish to Musescore.com..."
  3. When I choose that option and choose to update the existing online score, the LINK for the online score still goes to this URL instead: https://musescore.com/user/45359/scores/12712228 (which was a version I had saved online using an older iteration of this same file, but I deleted that previous private score from my online scores, as it was just temporary.
  4. Of course, if I try to save it anyway, when Musescore is done generating the audio, it then says it can't be saved online.

Please help.

Attachment Size
ASTBCBN_y23m10d26-ms4-for-PUBLICATION.mscz 736.75 KB

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