Create a recording view

• Oct 28, 2023 - 00:07

I tried to record a playback of a score, but the spacing between systems and the scrolling behavior of the "Publish" tab drives me nuts.

1) The playback line skips from the end of a bar to the first note of the next bar. Why can't it smoothly transition from the previous note to the next, just like within a bar?
2) When starting the playback, the playback line shortly pops up at the last position before it is drawn in the correct position (should be positioned correctly first, then be made visible, not the other way round)
3) The "Space" shortcut to playback doesn't do anything for me.
4) In default style, systems might be so close together that the playback line overlaps with the notation from the systems above and below.
5) When the next system isn't entirely in view, the page auto-scrolls. However, where that system ends up is entirely random. Sometimes it scrolls just enough so that the next system is basically bottom-aligned to the viewport. Sometimes it scroll it to the top. Sometimes center of viewport. Sometimes it scrolls them so far or not for enough that the annotations above or below are cut off by the viewport border.

PLEASE create a "recording" view that makes recording easy by placing the systems in the same spot upon scrolling. Also make the playback line transition smoothly from one bar to the next.

Thank you.


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The continuous view doesn't work well for recording.

First of all, the view has no margins, which looks really ugly. Also, you get cropped bars at the edges.
Secondly, the left overlay that stays on screen (the one with the clefs etc.) covers a part of the score - even while that part is played! This is the biggest oversight I think. The playbar bar actually disappears behind the overlay for a short period after the scrolling.
Thirdly, the scrolling is still a problem because your eyes can't follow it. It's a sudden skip, and since the bars are cropped, you can't really prepare for it or mentally know what part of the "new" arragement was already played and which part wasn't. I don't know if the smooth scrolling would do something, depends on how it's implemented. If the playback bar stays at the center the scrore scrolls below it, it might work. If it's just an eased "jank the page over", I don't know if that will help much with helping people to read along.

Overall, I'd say the continuous view is of little use for screen recording, where the ability to "follow along" is the most critical point. It's probably a useful view for other stuff, but it doesn't solve the shortcomings that need to be solved most urgently for recording.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I just downloaded the continuous build, and cannot say I noticed any difference in particular. It did not appear to have any smooth scrolling enable (at least not by default).

Instead it had a bug (

Plus I noticed that continuous horizontal view messes up the placement of auto-placed 8va 15ma alta annotations, it overlaps with the score (

Seems like there is no shortcut to good footage and I need to tidy up the appearance in post.

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