Bassoon cuts off for some reason

• Oct 31, 2023 - 11:20

Hi! So basically, I was working with the bassoon and playing around with it (using muse sounds) and then I came upon a problem. For some reason, I couldn't play a high D# as a whole note. It could play it as a half note, a quarter note, I could even play it as a 32nd note and it would sound, but for some reason when I made it into a whole note, it would just go silent.

Is this a playback glitch or just a problem with my score?

btw I'm using the tempo 100 bpm

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This is a glitch in Muse Sounds. This note, D#5, will play when you use MS Basic. Do that as a workaround until the Muse Sounds developers can address this problem. Sorry I can't offer you more than duct tape. Good luck.

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