Grand staff for intro only, MS 3

• Nov 6, 2023 - 18:08

(This question applies to MuseScore 3 only)
I've read multiple posts (multiple times), checked tutorials & how-tos & still cannot get this to work for me. I'm working with a typical lead sheet & want to add a 4-bar grand staff for intro only. I've 'inserted' the additional 4 bars at the top, but can't figure out how to change to grand staff. The notes I need to add to the new staff are bass notes, but when I try to change to bass clef, it changes all the clefs in the entire score. I tried adding an instrument (piano), intending to try the "hide empty staves" feature, but since I can't write anything in my 4 new bars (due to wrong clef), there is nothing to copy/paste to the piano staff. I'm clueless - please help! Thanks!


It's a bit difficult to understand what your problem is.
Why Grand Staff if you only need a bass staff? Or do you mean something else, then attach a sample score.

You can put a new clef at any position, in a measure or even before any note. So simply start with the bass clef and then insert the soprano clef in measure 5.

In a typical lead sheet comprised of melody, lyrics, chord symbols...
For the grand staff intro., you can add another instrument. Then use "Hide empty staves" and uncheck "Don't hide empty staves in first system".
See my attachment for MS3 - which uses piano instrument for the grand staff intro.

Attachment Size
Home on the Range.mscz 24.22 KB

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