Humanize (batch edit Velocity and Tuning)


Start the plugin using "Plugins" menu on the top

  • Humanize, drop the gun. Batch edit selected note(s)' Velocity and Tuning properties. One click old school MIDI technique to mimic tremolo and rolls.
  • Run 1 humanizes, Run 3 resets Velocity and Tuning properties. Coding info see Dev handbook : Plugins for 3.x. Need more coding advice? Chat with others on the plugin forum.
  • Humanized notes utilize "Velocity type : User" option and ignore dynamic markings, see Inspector: note.
  • May not work on staffs when instrument is using SND sound. Try switching to another Mixer:Channel:Sound option that hasn't "Expr." in its name, if you don't need SND function.
  • This plugin is tested with arco/normal sound only. Shorter notes may need higher Velocity simply because it needs time for any sound to resonate.
  • Musescore also contains some built-in tremolo sound if you add trem. Articulation Text (Mid-staff sound change), but not Tremolo symbol. )
  • Interested in intonation? Try the awesome Tunings and Temperaments plugin by billhails.
  • Also try the magnificent TAB Ring plugin by yonah_ag, for improvement of guitar playback.


Backup the score BEFOREHAND
Download and Install: musescore 3 how-to
Demo 1 Before…
Demo 1 After…
Demo 2 Before…
Demo 2 After…
Demo 3 Before…
Demo 3 After…

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Feedback, share script

Found a bug, have suggestions, want to share the superb algorithm you've created, or just wanna give me thumbs up 👍? Use this forum thread. To show a special character in a post properly, add a backslash (\) in front of it, or use HTML character entities, or enclose your script with <javascript></javascript>. You can also embed gist or simply attach your script file.

This plugin can be used in musescore 4 (musescore 4 how-to ), but the Velocity manipulation does not work as intended. It is still unclear as to how to use plugin api to edit note Velocity property (musescore 4.2 Beta, 26th Nov 2023), feel free to pitch in.

Old versions does not have windowed version.


None. Do whatever you want, have fun. No need to ask for my permission. Glad to share a link to your improved plugin on this page, just let me know.

Issue Tracker

API compatibility
Plugin categories
Notes & Rests