Scores taken off the cloud are now unaccessible

• Nov 17, 2023 - 12:43

I have been having issues with the cloud storage of musescore.

Initially, I would save my work very frequently and had it upload to the cloud, but since I found it to be taking too long for each save and I didn't really need to use it, I took the scores off the cloud. This was a few days ago. I deleted these scores from online, but on my desktop program it still says that there's files loaded to the cloud.

Yesterday, morning when I tried to open a file of my work again, it all of a sudden reverted to an older version of this file, losing many hours of work out of nowhere. Luckily I was able to find the file in a different place on a different part of my computer but now there were duplicate files. One with the old version, the other one is the newer version with all of my updated work. No big deal, I renamed the duplicate files to say that there's an old version and a new version and went on with my day, though it still says (even right now) that there are files uploaded to the cloud.

Now this morning, the desktop version crashed suddenly in the middle of my work and something really strange and infuriating happened. I opened the program back up and the version I was currently working on (one that was supposedly saved to the cloud still somehow) completely reverted to an older version of the file after opening it. Now the current file - that's still somehow listed as being uploaded to the cloud on my computer - is inaccessible because I get a warning that says that "Your score could not be opened - could not connect to Please check your internet connection, or try again later." Even though I'm obviously connected to the internet or else I wouldn't be able to type this message out.

I have closed and restarted the program a few times, I have logged in and out of my profile, I have logged onto musescore with a different browser (currently using Firefox, tried logging in with chrome), and I restarted my computer entirely.

If I lose this work then I would be pretty devastated because all of the time and effort that I put into it, and it will make me never want to upload a score to the cloud again.

OS: macOS 14.1, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.1.1-232071203, revision: e4d1ddf


> ... it still says that there's files loaded to the cloud
These lists from screenshot 1 and 2 are just links (with a thumbnail) to the files. MuseScore creates them when you save or open a file, but does not update them when you move, rename or delete the files outside of MuseScore. It's just a simple list of recently used files.
MuseScore does not recognize that you have deleted your scores in the cloud or in a local folder. They are still included in the list, but can no longer be opened because they no longer exist. If you wish, you can delete this list, but only the entire list ("File/Open current files/Delete current files"). Deleting this list does not delete any scores! It will be filled again when you save new files or open existing files with "File/Open..." .
My recommendation: Save your files in the folder ".../Documents/Musescore4/Scores" (or how ever this path is named on macOS) on your computer and occasionally in the cloud as a backup.
An external hard disk or USB stick could also be used for backups. You should always make backup copies of important files that contain a lot of work.

In reply to by HildeK

But even when I open the files from the pathway on my computer, the most current aren't the ones that will open. The only file that I can see with the thumbnail of my most current work is the one that's "uploaded to the cloud" on the screenshot, and it still says that I need an internet connection to open it.

The point of having the cloud in the first place is so that i can have these back up copies anywhere I go. What's the point of having the cloud if it doesn't work the way it's intended to? The files didn't update and the program is now having trouble opening up other files.

In reply to by harpermg23

One method I found on the Apple support forum.

"Open terminal (in the utilities folder under application folder) and type:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles true

After running the command, restart Finder by typing:

killall Finder

This will make hidden files and folders visible in Finder. To hide them again, type the same command in the first line, but use 'false' instead of 'true'."

In reply to by bobjp

Okay that worked, I must've I missed the killall step when I first was looking this up.
I found the hidden folders but they don't come up as documents that MuseScore can open. They're just listed as documents.

Thank you very much for all your help =)

In reply to by harpermg23

Check that your files in the backup folder have the correct extension, e.g. mscz. Backup files have different extensions, either a dot or a '~' at the end. So rename the extension to mscz and try again.
Otherwise, attach such a file. You may need to zip it as the forum software only accepts files with certain extensions.

In reply to by HildeK

I changed the extension name and was able to open it up in musescore, but unfortunately the work that came up reverted to the version that was on the cloud before I took it off, so the work was still lost. I tried to open up the version that had the cloud icon on it again and it still said that I didn't have an internet connection to open the file.

In reply to by harpermg23

Is it certain that this file is stored in the cloud? Click on your name in the top right-hand corner on this website and select "My Scores". If it is not there, then it no longer exists or has never been in the cloud.
You can also check the following locations on your computer (here for Windows):
Note: Files in 'AppData' have cryptical names, so perhaps you need to open several ones to be successful and AppData is also a hidden folder. And they may be also earlier versions.

And of course, the backup files are not necessarily up to date. To ensure this, you need to create your own backups, e.g. on an external hard drive or USB stick.

In reply to by HildeK

I took it off the cloud, that's the reason for the whole mess in the first place. I didn't feel a need for it to be on the cloud, and now I can't access the newest version of the files that used to be on the cloud because a dialogue box comes up that says something to the effect of "you need to have a connection to the internet to access this file"

In reply to by harpermg23

I wish I knew anything about saving to the cloud. So that I might help you. I tried it just now and it said i had to be logged into my account. I am logged into my account just to be able to post here. But no, I had to push a login button. I was taken to my account page ( I was already logged into) and was thanked for logging in. So this is just like many other things odd about MuseScore.
Maybe there is a way to see cloud scores from the .com site. Since you have to be logged into it to be able to use cloud storage.

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