Ipad does not recognize PRO Status

• Nov 19, 2023 - 15:18

Hey there,

i already tried the email support. But i only got an automated email providing the exact steps i all had already tried. So now i try it here:

I have a PRO Subscription.
When i am logged in in my browser, everything works fine.

When i log in in my ipad with the same account (yes i am sure about using the same account), it does NOT recognize my Pro Status. I already told him to "Restore Purchases" and i got a message, that my purchases were restored.
Still i don't see my Favorites and i can NOT see any scores, because the app tells me that i need to buy PRO.

Please tell me what to do or how i can refund my money since in this state the subscription is useless for me.

Thanks and best Regards,


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