Can't fix stuck note input toolbar

• Nov 22, 2023 - 22:26

Help, please!

I moved the note input toolbar too far to the left and it's stuck with no way to grab it. I then further goofed up by playing with font size, and inadvertently made EVERYTHING so big that I can't even get to the bottom of the preferences window. I decided I had to uninstall it and re-install afresh. It just resumed its broken state all over again. This is MS 3.6.2.

Why didn't I get a clean, empty program?


Because an uninstall of any program doesn't get rid of everything. Try a factory reset of the program. Might be in the Help tab. I don't have v3 anymore.

In reply to by bobjp

Thank you for answering my distress call.
Right now, I can't even get proper control of the reset window(s) because things got too large and are off screen in some cases. I know how to right click and select move to see the yes/no buttons, but when I go to move to click them, the window jumps back to the top, and there's no way to click anything.

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