Can't seem to get the Capo function to work. What's up?

• Nov 23, 2023 - 15:12

I am having trouble figuring out how to use the capo in Musescore. I have tried to follow the manual directions without any success. Is there any youtube description of how to get this to work?
I have gone to the add palette and add an icon for the capo. This is where things go wrong. There is no icon. I am using Musescore 3 if that makes any difference.
Please don't just refer me to the manual page on how to do this. Tried that,
I am doing something wrong but can't figure out what.
I would appreciate your assistance.
Rex Perry


Could you share which page are you reading?
In Musescore 3, it is common to add a Staff Text object (Ctrl+T) , also available in the Text palette

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