Impossible measure

• Dec 6, 2023 - 02:56

In Beethoven's Sonata Pathetique, there was this measure that was not possible in musical notation so, I compromised by making the measure that is (of what I assume) correct and possible. Is what I did correct? or is there something I'm missing? Score is on account.

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impossible measure.jpg 358.06 KB


In reply to by bobjp

It looks like the Peters edition has your 'impossible bar' but most of the other editions here,Op.13(Beethoven,_Ludwig_van) have a 1/32 note at the end so you're in good company.

But if you really want yours to look the same as the impossible one, it's possible -- you can add the dot to the semiquaver rest by dragging it from the symbols palette.

Attachment Size
impossible.mscz 20.03 KB

In reply to by brettrp

"But if you really want yours to look the same as the impossible one, it's possible..."

--- and it's a really bad idea, because it is incorrect notation. Even Peters Edition make mistakes occasionally, and there is no need to perpetuate their error!

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