error in opening .mscz-file from windows10 with musiscore4 under mac

• Dec 11, 2023 - 05:56

I am newby in musiscore.
I got a .mscz-file from a reliable Windows10-user, together with a (.sf3-file and a .drm-file).
When I try to open the .mscz-file I get this message:
"Datei xyz.mscz ist korrumpiert" / "file xyz.mscz is corrupted"

With the further explication:

Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0

The file is working at the system of my reliable friend, who has sent it to me. He uses windows10 and my newly installed Musiscore4 runs under macOS 14.1

Is anything wrong how I have arranged the received files in my file-system? I upload a screenshot of my file-system here:

Attachment Size
ArchivosMusescore4.png 152.4 KB


thanks for the first answer:
I received a score-file named: bongo español.mscz
I renamed it later, to avoid the blank and the unusual character/letter "ñ":
But after renaming it to bongoesp.mscz I get the same result.
I upload here the original file:

Attachment Size
bongo español.mscz 32.15 KB

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