Cursed text boxes

• Dec 12, 2023 - 11:44

In Musescore 4 text boxes are absolutely cursed and cause the program to crash constantly.

The program crashes if you:
1. Make a text box and after writing click enter. If you write something and click with the left mouse button somewhere else on the score it does not crash. (This issue occurs more often when performed right after opening a score)
2. Try to edit the already existing text box.
3. Try to delete the already existing text box.

P.S. I made a score with a few textboxes which are now irrelevant and I can neither correct nor delete them XDD I guess I will copy everything into a fresh file without them.


It would be helpful if you posted your score [ the .mscz file] here in this thread. Then we can see what the problem is.

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