Help restoring score saved in Nightly 4.2.0 back to Stable 4.1.1
While toying around with the new 4.2.0 nightly build to see if anything significantly new had been implemented, I inadvertently did a save/overwrite of my score and now cannot open it in 4.1.1
Is there a workaround to restore it to a version compatible with the latest stable 4.1.1
I tried exporting the score from 4.2.0 as a .mxl file, but it crashed upon trying to open it in 4.1.1
A Midi export works, but the score is so horribly altered that let's not even go there.
Any help would be deeply appreciated.
Duplicate of
If you have Windows 10, you can try looking in Documents > Musescore4 > Scores > .msbackup.