Musesounds guitars vol1 not working correctly

• Dec 20, 2023 - 10:18

when I try to use the new guitars vol1 from musesounds, the sounds are nothing like shown in the previews.

the guitars all kinda sound the same and using the texts like overdrive or distortion don't seem to do anything.
I already tried reinstalling everything, but that didn't seem to work. The only thing I can think of is that occasionally I get an error message saying musesampler couldn't install correctly, but this didn't show during the instalation process.


Have you tried running the update from within Muse Hub?
Also, what version is Muse Sampler? (You can check in the Diagnostic menu.)
I had problems until I updated and restarted multiple times and checked again.
When I was on Muse Sampler 0.3.2, the guitar sounds wouldn't play back right. It should be 0.5 or higher. (Mine now has 0.5.1.)

In reply to by MiniMnom

Despite receiving no errors on initial instalation of MuseHub, MuseSounds and MuseScore (during instalation it said nothing about MuseSampler), as I stated before I get occasional errors for MuseSampler (both for updating and downloading it), so I don't think it is actually installed. I can check for updates in MuseHub, however it states everything is up to date.
As for the version of MuseSampler (again I'm not sure if it is even installed), I'm not exactly sure where to find the diagnostic menu (sorry If that's a stupid question).

In reply to by cpt. LIZZEARD

No problem. I should have been clearer.
Check Muse Sampler in the MuseScore menu.
"Diagnostic" should be the last item on the menu bar (the farthest right) at the top of the main window.
Muse Sampler is the bottom entry in that menu.
I couldn't find anywhere to directly update the Muse Sampler library either. I just kept clicking the circular arrow next to the word "Updates" in the settings menu in Muse Hub and restarting my PC until it worked.

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