4.2 cannot handle ties while pitch shifting

• Dec 21, 2023 - 03:56

Every time I try to pitch shift notes that are tied together it does crazy things to the ties and to the bar. Issues include:
- Ties no longer being snapped to the 2nd (or 3rd, 4th, etc.) note and ending early
- Ties becoming absurdly thick to the point of being several times thicker than the height of the stave (this is not an exaggeration).
- Ties going backwards
- Ties becoming so long that it stretches one single bar to be longer than the rest of the score

The only way I have been able to fix that last point is by deleting the bar and completely re-typing everything. The others are fixed by rewriting and Ctrl+Z. Closing and reopening the program does not help, nor does saving and scrolling around the score which previously helped immediately for almost all typesetting issues I experienced.

This is extremely major as, without the ability to repeat bars and pitch shift the bars writing out scores is taking significantly longer and I am losing a lot of time.

If anyone has information or advice that could help I would greatly appreciate it.

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Screenshot (374).png 169.2 KB
Screenshot (373).png 159.1 KB


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