Where's the free sheet music?

• Dec 21, 2023 - 09:12

Hey, I wanted to download some music off of MuseCore website, but when I click download it says I have to log in or make an account, I make one, but then it tells me to buy some sort of subscription when all I want is the free music sheet music that the website SPECIFICALLY is saying when I look at the link from google, so I'm confused on what I need to pay for, do I need to pay for the sheet music or the subscription? And if it's just the subscription that I need to pay for, then how do I just get the sheet music for free? The screenshot also shows by the way that under the link it also specifically has in bold "free sheet music".

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Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 1.08.54 AM.png 136.37 KB


This question refers to musescore.com. Ask there why the scores are labeled as "free" when they are not.
There are some free scores on musescore.com, some require a normal (paid) subscription, some require a PRO or PRO+ subscription. They are not free.
I am not aware of what you can and cannot do with a PRO or PRO+ subscription (view or listen only, download to MuseScore, print to PDF).

Here at musescore.org you only get help and support for the music notation program MuseScore.

In reply to by billyliu1208

The reason you can't ask here is because this forum is not about musescore.com. This forum (musescore.org) is about an entirely other topic: the MuseScore Studio music notation program. While a few of us know a little about the musescore.com music sharing platform (because we are also members there), no one here can DO anything about it.

Let me offer an analogy. You are building a house. The general contractor ("GC") has hired an electrician to wire the house and a plumber to put in the pipes. While they both work for the GC, are you going to complain to the plumber about a problem with the wires? No! You will talk to the electrician. By coming here to musescore.org, you are complaining to the plumber about an electrical problem. Which wastes the plumber's time and yours.

Only scores marked as PD (Public Domain) or Original Work are downlaojable without a Pro subscription (unless the uploaded explicitly disallows downloads)
Scores marked as Official Scores are never downloadable.

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