Wierd issue with lines continuing to the next system

• Dec 21, 2023 - 22:54

MU4.2, Windows 10.

Enjoying MU4.2 already, thanks for the all the hard work! Really love all the fixes and improvements!
Just noticed this very wierd issue:

  1. Open the attached score.
  2. In measure 9 a crescendo starts that I've extended up to measure 12 for playback range.
  3. The crescendo has the line turned off, and no text for "Text when continuing to a new system" so if you have turned off invisible elements, you'll see just "cresc." in m.9. This is fine.
  4. Turn on the display of invisible elements (if it was off). A gray dashed line appears.

The problem is that there is nothing on the next system for m.11-12 - no line, nothing. If I click on the crescendo, the handles appear only for the line that spans m.9 and 10. Still no clue that this crescendo extends to the next system. I guess because the continuation has no text nor line, it is treated as non-existant, but it freaks me out to not be able to see where the crescendo actually ends. And MU wouldn't let me fool it by me entering a space in the "Text when continuing to a new system" text box. :) Interestingly, typing a non-breaking space seems to reserve space but the line is not drawn unless there is a non-whitespace character in the "Text when continuing to a new system" text box.

This is easily reproducible with a new score. I am now suspecting it is probably not a bug but behavior by design. Is there a way to see the full extent of a crescendo (or any other element with a line) when it has no line and no continuation text but spans more than one system? Ideally, I'd like to see the second dashed line when the display of invisible elements because this would be consistent with the display of the first line. But any other good suggestion is welcome. Thank you!


Just realized my old laptop still has MU4.1 so I tried it there and can confirm this is a regression from 4.1 because in 4.1 the line on the second system is visible when the invisible elements show up. I found another issue both in 4.2 and 4.1: when a score is opened with "show invisible" = off and is turned on, the lines of crescendos, etc. do not appear. I'll try to log bugs for both issues in GitHub.

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